Landnám Warrior's (LW) mission is to enable the successful reintegration of our warriors, assisting them in becoming integral to community renewal and revitalization. "Landnám" is the Icelandic word mythologist Joseph Campbell often spoke of in relation to creating one's own, or new, guiding mythology. Defined as "land taking," it was used to describe the process the first inhabitants/colonists of Iceland went through to sanctify their discovered home/land with new stories. "Warrior" denotes that the vector of this action is, for us, our Warrior class – servicemembers and veterans – and their attendant skill set. Through a process of purposeful engagement in their work, with each other, and on behalf of their communities, our warriors may add their voices to the development of meaningful narratives in service to its revitalization.

Servicemember interns supporting the establishment of robust local food networks

With the close support of our strategic partners in each region, pilot projects are being developed to support local organic food farms, utilizing internships for exiting military servicemembers through the DOD’s SkillBridge program. At the same time servicemember interns receive training and education in organic agriculture, they will also be introduced to a variety of jobs in related industries – soil restoration and composting services, plant nurseries, landscape design, and water quality restoration, to name a few.

Interns are recruited from military installations proximal to training sites, with temporary housing provided if necessary. Once these pilot programs are operational (GOAL: Summer 2024), and best practices established; additional sites, industry/nonprofit partners and billets for servicemember internships will become available.

Space coast, fl

Patrick Space Force Base

Development and installation of a permaculture food forest for ecotourism boutique resort in Grant, FL.

Strategic Partners: Unfurl Events, Mighty Plant Probiotic Plant Food, Back to Eden.

Gulf Coast, fl

US Special Operations Command

McDill Air Force Base

Training and education in organic agriculture and related sustainable industries of ranching and water quality restoration, in collaboration with Shogun Farms.

Strategic partners: Chiles Group, Gamble Creek Farms, Food Forest Abundance, Bring Back Eden, Plant Place Nursery, Mighty Plant Probiotic Plant Food.

Southern Ca

Marine Corps Camp Pendleton

Installation and management of permaculture food forest for agricultural vocational training school; distribution of agricultural crops produced to local community via farmers’ markets and food banks.

Strategic Partners: Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum, Nomads Hotel, Pendleton Surf Club, Surfin’ Fire Surf School, Mighty Plant Probiotic Plant Food, 55 Acres Project, Winner Behring BJJ.

Northern ca

Travis Air Force Base

Beale Air Force Base

Strategic Partners: Planting Justice, Growing Together, Mighty Plant Probiotic Plant Food, Soil Alliance, Team Alpha BJJ.


In collaboration with AmVets Hawai'i, Ewa Beach Chapter, the community garden on site will be renovated and planted with a goal of providing local, organic and affordable produce to the community.

Support of American Eagle Pilots in WWII

Research and Advocacy in Support for Families of American Eagle Squadron Members in the UK Royal Air Force during WWII, Ongoing
Before the U.S. joined the Allies in WWII, thousands of Americans volunteered with the UK’s Royal Air Force and became members of the famed “Eagle Squadrons.” Aside from the inherent dangers and massive casualty rates of aerial bombing and combat, at that time, enlisting in the military of a foreign country legally carried the high price of loss of citizenship. After the U.S. joined the conflict, most U.S. airmen were absorbed in the US Army Air Force and provided a knowledge base and skill set that gave America a significant strategic advantage. Unfortunately for the over 1,000 airmen who lost their lives during their foreign service, their sacrifices and those of their families are not acknowledged or officially memorialized by the U.S. government. Efforts are ongoing to garner support from family members, veteran groups, and military organizations to pressure congress to pass legislation finally recognizing the contribution of these Americans and their families to the war effort.

Fire Restoration | Seedling Planting

Paradise, Montana // Veteran Volunteers

Strategic Partners: Montana Conservation Seedling Nursery, Office of Veteran Student Affairs, University of Montana.

After fires devastated over 20,000 acres of land in NW Montana last August, hundreds of seedlings were acquired for planting to begin the long process of restoration of the land. Rather than the limited number of fast-growing trees routinely planted after fires or logging, a diversity of trees and shrubs were acquired that more accurately reflect the native composition of the forest, ensuring greater resilience long term to fire and weather events, and providing a richer environment for wildlife. Volunteers gained experiential knowledge of fire restoration and tree planting during this day-long workshop on SAT20APR.




Founder Dr. Cherlyn H.T. Jones holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Rollins College, and a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She has done fieldwork on sustainable communities in Bali, Indonesia, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and further social science fieldwork in Afghanistan, Switzerland, and the UK. Previously she was employed as a Department of the Army civilian (DAC) at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and as a Social Scientist deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

During her tenure at Inpatient Psychiatry at WRAMC, which was responsible for the most acute psychiatric cases in the Army that required removal from theatre, she helped to stand up the first Procedural Psychiatric clinic in the Military Health System. As the clinic coordinator, she performed Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy (TMS) as a non-pharmaceutical treatment for Major Depressive Disorder, and served as Principal Investigator on an interdepartmental research project to use TMS experimentally for the treatment of neuropathic pain in upper extremity amputees. In 2011-2012 in Afghanistan, she served in RC-South (Kandahar Province) at FOB Spin Boldak on the Pakistan border as the Senior Social Scientist and civilian advisor to the Combatant Commander, conducting daily outside-the-wire meetings with local Afghan partners and key leaders.

Due to a knee injury during her deployment, she came to further understand the particular challenges facing of our warriors and their reintegration into community.  Combining her experience of and with sustainable communities, building and agriculture, in 2012, she began developing off-grid homesteads in Montana, continued her volunteer efforts and support of other Veteran Service Organizations, and finally in 2022, founded Landnám Warrior.  Its broad mission endeavors to re-create the sense of well-being and purpose of living close to the land to our veterans and servicemembers in transition to civilian life, thereby assisting their reintegration that, at the same time, rejuvenates and restores our communities at the most basic level.


Jung 101: A Reintroduction to Mr. Synchronicity

Warrior/Shaman: Creative Praxis for Conflict Transformation
Jones, C. (2001). Jung and the Arpilleristas. Spirit Breath Review, 2(1), pp. 20-24.

“From Hunting Cabin to Off Grid Family Retreat.” Cabin Living Magazine, October 2017.
“Renovating for a Cause.” Washington Spaces. April 2009.
“How to Go Green, Even When You’re Thinking Cream or Ecru.” The Washington Post. May 5,
Specifier’s Solution.” Architectural Products, p. 86. May 2009
“Har Shalom Renovates in an Eco-Friendly Way.” The Gazette, January 2009.
“The Brain in Spain.” The Village Voice, May 4, 2005.

Planet Green, Renovation Nation, Friday 14 August 2009
Fine Living Network, Christopher Barson Exclusive, Pilot. 11 Mar 2010.

Landnám Warrior's (LW) mission is to enable the successful reintegration of our warriors, assisting them in becoming integral to community renewal and revitalization. "Landnám" is the Icelandic word mythologist Joseph Campbell often spoke of in relation to creating one's own, or new, guiding mythology. Defined as "land taking," it was used to describe the process the first inhabitants/colonists of Iceland went through to sanctify their discovered home/land with new stories. "Warrior" denotes that the vector of this action is, for us, our Warrior class – servicemembers and veterans – and their attendant skill set. Through a process of purposeful engagement in their work, with each other, and on behalf of their communities, our warriors may add their voices to the development of meaningful narratives in service to its revitalization.

Donate Today

Landnám Warrior, P.O. Box 2911, Kalispell, MT 59901

Venmo  @landnamwarrior

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