
Landnám Warrior's (LW) mission is to enable the successful reintegration of our warriors, assisting them in becoming integral to community renewal and revitalization. "Landnám" is the Icelandic word mythologist Joseph Campbell often spoke of in relation to creating one's own, or new, guiding mythology. Defined as "land taking," it was used to describe the process the first inhabitants/colonists of Iceland went through to sanctify their discovered home/land with new stories. "Warrior" denotes that the vector of this action is, for us, our Warrior class – servicemembers and veterans – and their attendant skill set. Through a process of purposeful engagement in their work, with each other, and on behalf of their communities, our warriors may add their voices to the development of meaningful narratives in service to its revitalization.

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Landnám Warrior, P.O. Box 2911, Kalispell, MT 59901

Venmo  @landnamwarrior

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